Project complete: 9 new classrooms at Mshikamano Primary School

Mshikamano Primary School. Located in rural Arusha, Tanzania GPS Coordinates: -3.4802231,36.8133973

Mshikamano Primary School is a school led by an incredible headteacher, teachers and the wider community. Their determination to give a quality education to their students and children is incredibly contagious. Since 2019 we have partnered with Mshikamano School and committed to helping transform their school from a place that seemed forgotten about to a place where students feel excited to attend school because it’s comfortable, safe and has everything they deserve in their education. Although we’ve achieved so much at this school, we still needed to create safe and inspiring classrooms for them to learn and thrive in.


“Mshikamano classrooms are falling down and so dangerous for students to learn in” Teacher at Mshikamano Primary School


Creating an exciting, inspirational and safe place for 421 students to learn in

The classrooms at Mshikamano were unsafe, dark with no windows or doors so children go wet during lessons. This was affecting attendance and causing students to feel so uninspired to learn that they were at risk of failing their national exams.


Made with Hope and Mshikamano community came together to renovate the classrooms

With the help of Mshikamano community members giving up their free time to help with the construction, we have been able to renovate 8 classrooms and build 1 new classroom at Mshikamano school. The students now have a safe and inspiring place to learn.


421 students at Mshikamano have new classrooms to learn in

We transformed the classrooms from dilapidated and dangerous to clean, safe and high quality. We repaired the roofs and windows, installed new desks and blackboards, relay the floor and gave everything a nice paint.

Total cost of renovating 8 classrooms and building 1 new classroom: £35,839.

As always, 100% of all donations went to this project. We are run by volunteers.

These classroom renovations are part of our plan to transform Mshikamano primary school and give the students the school they deserve.

Since 2019 we have:

  • Installed 10 new toilets for girls

  • 8 renovated classrooms

  • 1 new classroom

  • 6 rainwater harvesting tanks (before, they had no clean water)

  • 1 new kitchen and dining room.

Thank you so much to The International Parking Community who kindly made us their charity partner at their 2022 charity ball. 100% of their generous £13,395 donation went to transforming this school.