We’re a team of volunteers that’s empowered 25,918+ children in Arusha, Tanzania


Built 50 classrooms and increased access to quality education for 25,918 children

58 rain water tanks installed holding 290,000 litres of water at any one time

84 girls’ toilets built and 12,959+ girls supported with their menstruation


Built 2 kitchens & 1 farm to provide school meals for 500 students

Thousands of hours of voluntary work from our partner communities

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100% donations to our projects

We’re completely run by volunteers

We partner with dedicated Tanzanian communities



We partner with schools based in rural Tanzanian communities that need support to improve the education provided.

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Get involved

Fundraise, volunteer, or take on a challenge. Find out how you can get involved.


 Updates, stories and latest news

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 Make a donation

Your donations support rural Tanzanian communities to make their local school excellent. Give children the education they deserve and a fighting chance to escape poverty by making a donation today.
