Happy Day of the Girl!

Happy Day of the Girl! Today is the day to celebrate girls everywhere, this is something that is so important to us and the ethos of our Girl Empowerment Project.

This years theme for the Day of the Girl is “GirlForce: Unscripted and Unstoppable”. We want to champion our girls to be unstoppable!

Our goal is to do so by ending period poverty and improving menstrual hygiene management, to encourage access to education so that girls can reach their potential.In order to break the cycle of poverty we need to make sure everyone has an equal chance and opportunity.

Unfortunately this is currently not the case as girls miss 3 to 4 classes a month due to their menses, which adds up to 30 to 40 days each year, giving them an unfair disadvantage. Currently around 75% of girls in Tanzania enrol in school but only 8% finish. At Made With Hope we’re doing everything we can to change this. Through education girls can take charge of their own future. Therefore, we want to get rid of every obstacle that could get in their way and help make our girls unstoppable.

If you’d like to support Made With Hope so that we can support girl students like those below, please click here: https://www.madewithhope.org/donate

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