Volunteer profile: Meet Molly!

Erin, Marketing and Communications Assistant

Over the last few years, Made With Hope has grown into a wonderful community of people dedicated to alleviating poverty in Tanzania.

We have a strong team of trustees and volunteers who work hard to develop multiple aspects of Made With Hope.

We thought it would be nice to introduce our volunteers - welcome, Molly!

We asked Molly a handful of quick-fire questions to get to know her better…

Role at Made With Hope: Marketing and Communications Assistant

Place you grew up: Knutsford, Cheshire

Favourite hobby: Reading or going to the theatre

Best place you’ve been to: Either San Francisco, Seville or Munich ( don’t make me pick!)

Biggest motivation: To uplift and empower other women

What if…?

If you could meet any living person for dinner, who would you pick and why?

I would pick Reese Witherspoon. I’ve always been a huge fan of hers ever since I fell in love with Legally Blonde as a teenager, but now I’m in awe of how she balances so many brilliant businesses ( from a book club to a producing house to a clothing line!), and how she does it all with such warmth, positivity and determination. I also just think she would be so lovely and easy to get along with!

If you had 25 hours a day, how would you use your extra time?

I’d be snuggled up under a blanket cuddling my patterdale terrier Doris, reading a book by a wonderful female author and drinking copious cups of tea.

If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

ICE CREAM! I know it isn’t a meal, but I’d happily eat it all day, every day.

We appreciate all our volunteers who choose to dedicate their time at Made With Hope. Molly reveals all about why she decided to support us…

What is your biggest passion within International Development?

I’m a really passionate feminist, so Made With Hope’s Girl Empowerment programme is one of our projects that really inspires me. Gender Equality, I would say, is my biggest passion within the international development sphere.

What made you decide to get involved with MWH?

I wanted to be able to utilise my skills and experiences from my professional career, to help a charity that I felt really made a difference. When I came across Made With Hope, it was so ideal: I love the charity and the brilliant work they do, and there seemed to be a way I could effectively help.

What do you enjoy most about working at MWH?

I really enjoy creating content, both for our blog and social media channels, that is underpinned by such wonderful work. It’s a joy to create content for something that I believe so much in.

What are you most looking forward to at MWH in the future?

I’m looking forward to when COVID restrictions lift, and we are able to meet up as a team. Doing it all virtually has been great, but I can’t wait till we can all meet up and chat in person.

If you’d like to read more about our volunteer team, check out the volunteer profiles on our website!